Types of SLCN

Types of difficulties

There is a range of speech, language and communication needs (SLCN). The types of SLCN are usually described rather than labelled with a medical sounding name. Speech and Language Therapists and other professionals may use a range of terms to describe different types and/or combinations of speech, language and communication needs.

Follow the links below to find out more about examples of types of speech, language and communication needs.

Identifying SLCN

It is not always easy to spot if your child has a SLCN.

Although it may be fairly straightforward to identify a child who presents with unclear speech, other difficulties with talking are not always easy to spot. SLCN may be hidden behind difficulties with paying attention, following instructions or getting on with others.

What does SEN mean?

One term that you might hear if your child has persisting needs with talking and understanding is ‘SEN’. This stands for Special Educational Needs. If you hear this term, don’t worry! It is used to describe the specific extra support that a child may need to learn effectively in nursery or school.

What Do We Mean by Talking?
What Skills Are Involved
What Are Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)?
What Causes SLCN?
Types of SLCN
More About Speech, Language and Communication
What is the Impact of Having SLCN?
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